The Dolphin Lady™

The Dolphin Lady™ Speaks


The Dolphin Lady™
Portrait of Virginia C. Smith
Virginia C. Smith
Virginia is the author of The Dolphin Lady™ - a true story about her 18 year relationship with a pod of wild spinner dolphins in the ocean waters of Hawaii.
She is also a renowned trainer and business-career coach.
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The Dolphin Lady™, Virginia "Joy" Smith, has had quite an extraordinary experience in addition to the adventures that her life path has taken. She loves to pass on all the precious understandings and guidance she has received from her journey and from her very special dolphin friends. Here is a sneak peak......

"As a child I found myself struggling to make friends. It became the most important mission of my childhood. Later on I slowly began to discover, during my late teens, as I walked down the isle at my wedding, at the ripe old age of eighteen, that I was not willing to be my own best friend. Even though I understood this on many levels, I was not willing to do the work. I wanted others to do it for me. A mother at eighteen I knew nothing about parenting and I struggled along my way."

"It was not until I met my very dear dolphins friends that I was to understand that the EGO© is really what - Encouraged me to Grow Outwards©-. I was guided to also acknowledge that nothing about who "I AM" is outside of me, my light was within. At that time of my life I can guarantee you it was probably very dimly lit. That my SOUL© - Symbolizes my Own Unique Light© - on this earth. It was time to turn my light on. To play with life. It was also time to TRUST© - Time to Respect my Union with Synchronicity and Time© - and have a little FAITH© - Follow and Accept my Inner Truth and Honesty© -."

"I am so grateful for all of the gifts that I have received and I am ready to pass them onto to you! YOU do have your own wise dome© it is your natural intrinsic wisdom© that is connected to your inner light, its called your in-tuit-ion©. Attend a Dolphin Lady™ session and discover the location of your light switch!"

Here are just a few of the testimonials we have received from The Dolphin Lady™ session attendees-

"Oh my god what a wonderful story, I just wanted her to keep talking about her experiences. I want to buy a copy of her book and I want to be in the front row at the premier of the movie."

"It is like you are right there in the water with her very special friends. You can feel those dolphins they are so special"

"When I attended her session, The Dolphin Lady™ had a message just for me and boy was it ever right on!"

"I want to go with her when she next swims with her dolphin friends."

"I just wanted to touch her so I could feel her energy."

"It is better than an actual dolphin encounter!"

To attend a Dolphin Lady™ session check our schedule of events.

Register to attend a Dolphin Lady™ session.

Invite or schedule the Dolphin Lady™ to speak at your next meeting, association, conference, telesession or get-together, using our Contact/Inquiries form. There may even be a visit from the dolphins as The Dolphin Lady™ is connected to her pod through a very significant inner voice; if there is a message for you she will share it directly with you!

Virginia is the President of Training Insights, Inc.

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